form 300a

OSHA Safety Cornerstones- Q2 2022

OSHA Proposes to Amend Electronic Reporting Requirements

On March 28, 2022, OSHA released a proposed rule to amend its Form 300A electronic reporting regulation. The proposal would, among other things, require employers to report information from all OSHA recordkeeping forms. Currently, OSHA regulations require establishments with 250 or more employees and establishments with 20 to 249 employees in certain industries to submit information electronically from their OSHA Form 300A by March 2 every year. However, the proposed rule would:

  • Require establishments with 100 or more employees in certain high-hazard industries to submit information electronically from their OSHA Forms 300, 301 and 300A to OSHA once a year.
  • Update the classification system used to determine the list of industries covered by the electronic submission requirement.
  • Remove the current requirement for establishments with 250 or more employees not in a designated industry to submit information electronically from their Form 300A to OSHA annually.
  • Require establishments to include their company name when making electronic submissions to OSHA.


The notice of the proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on March 30, 2022. The comment period for the proposal concludes on May 31, 2022. Employers subject to electronic reporting requirements should review the proposed rule and continue to monitor OSHA communications for updates on this proposal.


Celebrating Safe + Sound Week 2022

Safe + Sound Week will take place from Aug. 15-21 this year. This event aims to recognize the successes of workplace safety and health programs across the country and provide resources to help organizations kick-start or improve upon their occupational safety and health initiatives. Organizations can participate in the annual campaign by taking these three steps:

  1. Sign up. Organizations can let OSHA know they plan to participate by registering here.
  2. Find activities and events. After registering for the campaign, organizations should search for activities and events to promote in their respective workplaces and communities.
  3. Obtain a certificate. When the campaign ends and organizations have completed their activities and events, they can recognize their participation with a certificate.


OSHA Launches Program to Protect Workers From Heat-related Hazards

OSHA recently launched its National Emphasis Program (NEP) for protecting workers from heat-related hazards in indoor and outdoor workplaces. Through the program, OSHA will conduct heat-related workplace inspections before workers suffer preventable injuries, illnesses or fatalities. The NEP became effective on April 8, 2022, and will remain in effect for three years unless canceled or extended by a superseding directive.


High-risk Industries

The NEP targets over 70 industries that present a high risk for heat-related hazards. These industries were identified based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and OSHA. This data found that high-risk industries exhibit one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Increased incidence rates of heat-related illnesses
  • An elevated number of lost workdays due to heat-related illnesses or a greater frequency of severe heat-related illness cases
  • The highest number of heat-related general duty clause violations and hazard alert letters over a five-year period
  • The highest number of heat-related OSHA inspections since 2017


NEP Details

The NEP establishes heat priority days when the heat index is expected to be 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. On those priority days, OSHA will:

  • Initiate compliance assistance in targeted high-risk industries.
  • Investigate any alleged heat-related fatality, complaint or referral, regardless of whether the associated worksite falls within a targeted NEP industry.

The NEP encourages employers to protect their workers from heat-related hazards during heat priority days by providing them with access to water, rest, shade, adequate training and—in the case of new or returning employees—acclimatization procedures. For further OSHA resources, contact us today via the form below. And be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on LinkedIn for more industry news and tips.


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